Крюков Анатолий Николаевич

Должностьспециалист по учебно-методической работеКафедра И-12
профессорКафедра И-12
Ученая степеньДоктор филологических наук
Ученое званиеДоцент
1The features of the translation of monorhemes and diremes from English into Russian// International Journal of Society, Culture and Language. - 2021 - №2 - Volume 9 - P. 64-73
2The features of the translation of monorhemes and diremes from English into Russian// International Journal of Society, Culture and Language. - 2022 - №2 - Volume 9 - P. 64-73
3The features of the translation of monorhemes and diremes from English into Russian// International Journal of Society, Culture and Language. - 2021 - №2 - Том 9 - С. 64-73
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