Холостова Ольга Владимировна

Должностьпрофессоркафедра 802
старший научный сотрудник с у/с НИО-802
Ученая степеньДоктор физико-математических наук
Ученое званиеДоцент
1Kholostova O.V., Safonov A.I., A Study of the Motions of an Autonomous Hamiltonian System at a 1:1 Resonance// Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. - 2017 - №7 - Volume 22 - P. 792-807
2Belichenko M.V., Kholostova O.V., On the stability of stationary rotations in the approximate problem of motion of Lagrange's top with a vibrating suspension point// Nelineinaya Dinamika. - 2017 - №1 - Volume 13 - P. 81-104
3Vishenkova E.A., Kholostova O.V., On the influence of vertical vibrations on the stability of permanent rotations of a rigid body about axes lying in the main plane of inertia// Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki. - 2017 - №1 - Volume 27 - P. 98-120
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