Кос Оксана Игоревна

Должностьст. преподавательКафедра 311
1Program Module for Calculating the Optimal Interval of Preventive Substitutions// Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies", IT and QM and IS . - 2017 - P. 282-283
2Rules and Regulations of Potential Impact of Acoustic Factors from High-Speed Railway Lines on Environment and Human Body During Construction of New Facilities// Springer Proceedings in Complexity. - 2021 - P. 879-890
3Adaptation of Reliability Calculation Software Packages for High Performance Distributed Computing Systems// Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference ''Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies'', IT and QM and I. - 2018 - P. 219-221
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