Терешонков Владимир Андреевич

Должностьст. преподавателькафедра 101
руководитель проектовДирекция Института №14 "Передовая инженерная школа"
1Konstantinov I., Tereshonkov V.A., Development of a model for analyzing the impact of configuration integrity loss on the aircraft product cycle time duration// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2021 - №1 - Volume 1925
2Tereshonkov V.A., Shavelkin D.S., Pocebneva I., Choosing a Rational Design of the Engine Fastening Span// Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. - 2022 - Volume 857 LNEE - P. 274-289
3Bekhmetyev V.I., Tereshonkov V.A., Lepeshkin V., VERTICAL CAD in the Design of Efficient Technologies for Making Aircraft Glider Parts// Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. - 2022 - Volume 857 LNEE - P. 290-299
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