Ушкар Михаил Николаевич

Должностьзав. кафедройКафедра 404
Ученая степеньДоктор технических наук
Ученое званиеПрофессор
1Continuous Computing Devices for Built-In Diagnostic System of Transmit/Receive Module in Active Phased Array Radar// 2020 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications. - 2020
2Automation of the Learning Process of a Neural Network as Classifier in the Formation of a Design Basis of Complex Transport Systems// 2020 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications. - 2020
3Methods of Detecting Latent Defects in Cells of the Super-Operative Memory of Microcircuits Used in the Digital Signal Processing Systems// 2020 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications. - 2020
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  • Ср, 04 сентября

    Основы конструирования электронных средств ЛК

    Основы конструирования электронных средств ПЗ

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