Кибзун Андрей Иванович

Должностьзав. кафедройкафедра 804
Ученая степеньДоктор физико-математических наук
Ученое званиеПрофессор
1Two algorithms for estimating test complexity levels// Automation and Remote Control. - 2017 - №12 - Volume 78 - P. 2165-2177
2On the existence of optimal strategies in the control problem for a stochastic discrete time system with respect to the probability criterion// Automation and Remote Control. - 2017 - №10 - Volume 78 - P. 1845-1856
3Development of themathematicalmodel of cargo transportation control on a railway network segment taking into account randomfactors// Informatika i ee Primeneniya. - 2017 - №4 - Volume 11 - P. 85-93
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