Черноморский Александр Исаевич

Должностьдоценткафедра 305
старший научный сотрудник с у/с НИО-305
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1Aleshin B.S., Maksimov V.N., Mikheev V.V., Chernomorskii A.I., Horizontal stabilization of the two-degree-of-freedom platform of a uniaxial wheeled module tracking a given trajectory over an underlying surface// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2017 - №3 - Volume 56 - P. 471-482
2Aleshin B.S., Kuris E.D., Lel’kov K.S., Maksimov V.N., Chernomorskii A.I., Control of the angular orientation of the platform of a uniaxial wheeled module moving without slippage over an underlying surface// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2017 - №1 - Volume 56 - P. 146-156
3Chernomorsky A.I., Plekhanov V.E., Maximov V.N., Application of magnetic sensors for ecological monitoring of stationary ferromagnetic masses from on board mobile platforms// Magnetic Sensors and Devices: Technologies and Applications. - 2017 - P. 133-164
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