ДолжностьдоцентКафедра 317
доцентКафедра 1101
доцентКафедра 609
научный сотрудник с у/с НИО-317
Ученая степеньКандидат технических наук
Ученое званиеДоцент
1A study of the deposition process of multilayer coatings on the inner tube surface with the pulsed laser deposition technique// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2014 - №SUPPL. 1 - Volume 586 - P. S387-S390
2Droplet-phase reduction during the pulsed laser deposition of coatings onto the inner surface of tubes// Journal of Surface Investigation. - 2014 - №3 - Volume 8 - P. 607-611
3Mass transfer in ablation process with large angle of laser ray incidence on target and small distance between target and substrate// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2016 - №1 - Volume 729
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