Кананадзе Сергей Сергеевич

Должностьдоценткафедра 301
Ученая степеньКандидат технических наук
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1Methodology and Results of Optimizing the Ascent Stage in the Problem of Vertical Navigation of Civil and Military Transport Aircraft// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2021 - №4 - Volume 60 - P. 654-672
2System for Automated Infrared Image Processing Based on Neural Network Technologies// TEM Journal. - 2020 - №4 - Volume 9 - P. 1443-1454
3Methodology and Results of Optimizing the Ascent Stage in the Problem of Vertical Navigation of Civil and Military Transport Aircraft// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2021 - №4 - Том 60 - С. 654-672
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