Бортаковский Александр Сергеевич

Должностьпрофессоркафедра 805
Ученая степеньДоктор физико-математических наук
Ученое званиеПрофессор
1Suboptimal Control of Bunches of Trajectories of Discrete Deterministic Automaton Time-Invariant Systems// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2017 - №6 - Volume 56 - P. 914-929
2Sufficient optimality conditions for controlling switched systems// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2017 - №4 - Volume 56 - P. 636-651
3Optimal injection of a satellite into geostationary orbit using a limited number of thruster firings// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2013 - №6 - Volume 52 - P. 938-948
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