Сиротин Андрей Николаевич

Должностьпрофессоркафедра 804
Ученая степеньДоктор физико-математических наук
Ученое званиеПрофессор
1On the problem of operation speed for the class of linear infinite-dimensional discrete-time systems with bounded control// Automation and Remote Control. - 2017 - №10 - Volume 78 - P. 1731-1756
2On the problem of optimal speed for the discrete linear system with bounded scalar control on the basis of 0-controllability sets// Automation and Remote Control. - 2015 - №9 - Volume 76 - P. 1517-1540
3CONTROLLABILITY CRITERION FOR DISCRETE BILINEAR SYSTEMS WITH TRANSITION MATRICES// Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 2020 - №1 - Volume 59 - P. 63-82
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