Овчаренко Валерий Николаевич

Должностьпрофессоркафедра 106
Ученая степеньДоктор технических наук
Ученое званиеПрофессор
1Methodological foundations and areas for improvement of the aircraft design process// Russian Aeronautics. - 2017 - №3 - Volume 60 - P. 335-341
2Adaptive estimation of variable weights in a linear adder// Automation and Remote Control. - 2013 - №4 - Volume 74 - P. 660-670
3Identification of the aerodynamic coefficients of the multirole maneuverable aircraft based on unsteady flight// 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014. - 2014
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