Moscow Aviation Institute | school 2 «Engines for Flying Vehicles» | department 201 «Theory air-breathing jet engine» | Experimental Research in Combustion

Testing of the PTAH-SOCAR composite material (Si-SiC)


Testing of advanced composite materials in high-temperature and high-velocity jet conditions. Checking of fuel cooling efficiency. Definition of temperature influence on the strength properties and permeability (open porosity) of the material.

Tested sample
Tested sample
Material structure
Material structure
Test facility
Test facility

  • 1. Adaptation of the test facility
  • 2. Testing of mechanical strength of the sample under inner pressure (hydro- and pneumo-pressurization).
  • 3. Estimation of wall permeability of the sample using gaseous fuel and liquid fuel as a coolant at normal conditions.
  • 4. Performing of hot test for following purposes:
    - Checking material capacity to withstand mechanical and thermal loads.
    - Measurements of coolant leakage (permeability) during hot tests.
    - Infrared measurements of temperature field on the sample surface.
    - Measurement of coolant heating.
High-temperature jet impact
High-temperature jet impact
Sample during the test run
Sample during the test run
Results of permeability measurements
Results of permeability measurements

This work was performed under contract with MBDA France in 2000-2007. Main results are reported in the papers PTAH-SOCAR Fuel-Cooled Composite Materials Structure (AIAA 2002-5135); French R&T effort for high-speed airbreathing propulsion Status in 2008 ( IAC-08-4.5.5, 2008 )

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