Moscow Aviation Institute | school 2 «Engines for Flying Vehicles» | department 201 «Theory air-breathing jet engine» | Experimental Research in Combustion

Measurements of supersonic flow parameters using intrusive probes and optical method


Validation of diagnostic tools and methods for high-temperature high-velocity flows in collaboration with CNRS-LCSR (ICARE at present).

  • Design, manufacturing and assembling of test facility
  • Test operation for various flow conditions and data acquisition during the experiment
  • Data post-processing and analysis

Measurements in a supersonic high-temperature have been performed using special thermocouples, infra-red camera, cooled Pitot tubes, and Particles Image Velocimetry (PIV).

Scheme of measurements Test run Infra-red image
Principle of infrared temperature measurements

Total temperature field was measured using a rake of 5 ceramic Al2O3 sticks. Ceramic sticks, which were fixed on a cooled holder, moved across a hot high-velocity flow. The temperature of ceramic stick tips was measured by an infra-red camera. Image frequency was 50 Hz. Measurement limit of temperature was 2300 K.

Tungsten-rhenium thermocouple in a hot flow
Tungsten-rhenium thermocouple in a hot flow

Tungsten-rhenium thermocouple with a protective shield permits to measure gas temperature up to 2500 K.

Example of PIV measurement
Example of PIV measurement

PIV-method was used for velocity field measurements in a supersonic hot axisymmetric jet. Fine SiO2 particles were used for flow seeding.

The work was performed under contract with Airbus France in 2006. Main results are reported in the papers «PIV Measurements in an Underexpanded Hot Free Jet» (13th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 June, 2006,Paper # 1161); Experimental studies of underexpanded hot jets: free jet velocity field and jet impact on a flat plate«, EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR AEROSPACE SCIENCES (EUCASS 2007)

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