Moscow Aviation Institute | school 2 «Engines for Flying Vehicles» | department 201 «Theory air-breathing jet engine» | Experimental Research in Combustion

Scientific Group «Experimental Research in Combustion» is a division of Department 201 «Theory of Air-Breathing Jet Engines» of school N 2 «Engines for Flying Vehicles» of MAI (Moscow Aviation Institute, State University of Aerospace Technologies).

Our team has been working since 1969. We have got a great experience in the area of reacting supersonic flow gas-dynamics, measurement methods for high-temperature flows, creation of efficient injection and burning devices for liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuels.

Besides, we carry out tests on heat-proof materials and structural elements under conditions of hot jet impact. We can use our expertise, resulting from experimental and design activities , to fulfill complex tasks .

Our team performs orders from several Russian and foreign aviation and missile firms. We have a many years experience of successful collaboration with them.

Our team is ready to offer our service: Pre-starting procedure PhD V.Avrashkov

  • Investigation of supersonic combustion and design of scramjet combustors (M flight = 2-7+)
  • Ground tests of combustion chamber models of high-speed airbreathing engines and their units ( using connected-pipe test facilities).
  • Design of test-bench facilities to obtain conditions corresponding to the super- and hypersonic flight
  • Design of furnaces and heat-exchangers
  • Test of heat-resistant materials and heatproof structures under conditions with maximum proximity to the flight
  • Adaptation of test equipment and validation of measurement methods for high-temperature high-velocity flows
  • Post-processing, analysis of experimental data, expert advice and recommendations.
The team leader is PhD Valery Avrashkov.

You can read more about out team on pages: Activity, Our equipment, History of the Group.
© 2012 Moscow Aviation Institute | Experimental Research of Combustion